Etiqueta: Robert Muggah

How do you build a city for a pandemic?

The pandemic has turned the world outside our doorsteps into a newly formed wilderness. Public spaces are now areas to be ventured into sparingly, except by essential workers, so for most of us our worlds have shrunk to the size of our homes.

Migrants and mayors are the unsung heroes of COVID-19. Here’s why

Published in World Economic Forum By Robert Muggah   In every crisis it is the poor, sick, disabled, homeless and displaced who suffer the most. The COVID-19 pandemic is no exception. Migrants and refugees, people who shed one life in search for another, are among the

Redesigning The COVID-19 City

The COVID-19 pandemic brought the world’s bustling cities to a screeching halt. The outbreak has revealed how urban centers are the front and last lines of defense against infectious disease outbreaks. They are also the key to leading national and global recovery.

new europe

Post-pandemic cities

Published in New Europe By Robert Muggah Our cities will not be the same after COVID-19. Nor should they be. In Italy, as elsewhere, the public-health crisis has put us on the defensive. Our hospitals have been inadequate. And our cities, having been planned to

We Can Make the Post-Coronavirus World a Much Less Violent Place

Published in Foreign Policy By Robert Muggah The world is convulsed by the novel coronavirus, but that is not the only pathogen that afflicts us. Criminal violence is also endemic, contagious, and highly virulent. More than 464,000 people were killed in homicides in 2017 (the last

Strategic Notes on Third Generation Gangs

Strategic Notes on Third Generation Gangs builds upon the third generation street gang (3Gen Gang) theory first articulated in a series of papers by John P. Sullivan in 1997.

Drug gangs in Brazil’s favelas enforce coronavirus lockdown

Published in Financial Times By Robert Muggah With president Jair Bolsonaro dismissing the pandemic as “sniffles” and criticising regional lockdown measures, the country’s drug gangs and paramilitary groups have stepped in to enforce social distancing to combat the spread of coronavirus. “Whoever is caught on


Coronavirus Feeds on Latin America’s Political Gap

Published in Bloomberg By Robert Muggah At midnight on March 17, Paraguay closed down the Friendship Bridge to Brazil. It was the first time in more than half a century that traffic stopped on the emblematic land link between the two South American neighbors, where

Viral Inequality

Far from merely reflecting an unequal distribution of economic means, rising inequality comes with a broad range of additional toxic side effects, many of which the COVID-19 pandemic has thrown into sharp relief. With the pandemic transforming life around the world before our eyes, this is a problem that can no longer be ignored.

Pandemia de coronavírus demanda resposta global contundente

Publicado em Folha de S. Paulo Por Robert Muggah. Traduzido por Sergio Schargel. A Covid-19 será devastadora em comunidades e países de renda baixa e média, e o enfrentamento à pandemia e à recessão econômica demanda uma resposta global contundente que envolva governos nacionais, cidades e a sociedade civil.

4 grandes ideias para refletir sobre a pandemia

Publicado em GQ Por Robbert Muggah Simpósio da Singularity University esta semana reuniu especialistas em debates variados sobre o assunto. Em casos como o que estamos vivendo, se informar nunca é demais. Se por um lado órgãos e instituições tem deixado claro um arcabouço de

The COVID Wake-Up Call

Published in Project Syndicate By Robert Muggah The COVID-19 pandemic was not just predictable but inevitable, which makes the skyrocketing economic and human costs of the crisis all the more unacceptable. If the international community does not respond by creating new global structures to deal

How reducing inequality will make our cities safer

Where a person is born and lives correlates with their overall life chances. Unsurprisingly, people living in environments characterized by high levels of economic and social inequality tend to be more exposed to violence and victimization than those living elsewhere.

Which Factors Are Lowering Brazil’s Homicide Rate?

Homicides in Brazil are projected to have fallen 16 percent in 2019 as compared to the previous year, although Latin America’s most populous nation still had more than 41,000 murders, the highest total number in the region

Digitalização da polícia levanta debate sobre liberdades civis

Uso de novas tecnologias de combate ao crime prolifera no Brasil como promessa de eficiência, contudo ferramentas de reconhecimento facial e de previsão de delitos podem minar liberdades civis e estimular discriminação se mal administradas.

Brazil homicides fall to lowest level in at least 12 years

Published in Associated Press By Robert Muggah Brazil had 41,635 killings in 2019, down 19% from the prior year and the least number of homicides since 2007, when the so-called Violence Monitor index was launched. It is a partnership between the non-profit Brazilian Forum of

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