Migration and Technology: Lessons From the Brazil-Venezuela Border

By Adriana Abdenur and Lycia Brasil

Published on PassBlue

RIO DE JANEIRO — DoNotPay, an app dubbed “the world’s first robot lawyer” by its developer, Joshua Browder, has been helping refugees in the United States and Canada to complete immigration applications.

There’s also the International Organization for Migration’s MigApp, which fills in the blanks on topics ranging from money transfer to visa rules around the world. Signpost, a portfolio of online tools for people in conflict-affected settings, has reached one million people in Greece, Italy, Jordan and El Salvador; RefAid, which connects refugees with services, is used by more than 400 aid organizations, from the Red Cross to Save the Children; and aptly named Techfugees invites individuals and organizations to share tech solutions, including ways to fight xenophobia online.

Digital solutions are quickly filling the information vacuum plaguing the thousands of people around the world who have been displaced.

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