Category: Types of content

Pledge Times

Haiti: these are the gangs and leaders that invade and threaten Port-au-Prince

The situation in Haiti It seems to be getting more and more complicated. Recently, it was learned that the prime minister, Ariel Henrywill resign from his position after “the establishment of a transitional presidential council and the appointment of an interim prime minister.” The decision was adopted after


Haiti Crisis: Who Are the Gangs That Have Overrun the Capital?

Haiti, a Caribbean nation with a long history of upheaval, is enduring one of its worst periods of chaos. Gangs have shut down the airport; looted seaports, public buildings and shops; and attacked nearly a dozen police stations. Roads are blocked, cutting off the food


Ecuador’s Homicide Rate Is Skyrocketing

Homicide rates are skyrocketing in Ecuador with official figures recording a death count of 4,800 in 2022. This is according to data from the Ecuadorian Ministry of Interior, published by the Rio de Janeiro based think tank, the Igarapé Institute. According to the Ecuadorian government’s latest estimates

Press Release

The Defenders – How they define themselves

The research “We are vitórias-régias” was developed and executed with a group of 13 advocates representing the struggles of women from the Amazon basin in Brazil, Colombia, and Peru. Learn more about them. Click here to download as a PDF   Ângela Mendes (Acre, Brazil)


AI and the Global South

Recent months may well be remembered as the moment when predictive artificial intelligence went mainstream.

Press Release

Stolen Amazon: a new study from Igarapé Institute and InSight Crime uncovers the Roots of Environmental Crime in Ecuador, Venezuela, Bolivia, Guyana and Suriname

Exhaustive field research from Ecuador, Venezuela, Bolivia, Guyana and Suriname highlights the ways in which criminal actors and networks are contributing to illegal deforestation and environmental degradation Because illegal deforestation does not respect borders, InSight Crime and the Igarapé Institute have launched an investigation into

Press Release

The Igarapé Institute and the Science Panel for the Amazon (SPA) join forces to discuss how to leverage the rule of law and sustainable development against deforestation and plunder in the Amazon Basin

From the Amazon Basin to equatorial Africa and Asia, some of the world’s largest and most biodiverse habitats are facing unprecedented threats. Environmental crime has gone global, posing existential risks not just to some of the world’s signature biomes but also to the international quest

Digital Security in the Media

The Rocky Road to Cyber Norms at the United Nations

Between July 25 and 29, UN member states gathered in New York for the third substantive session of the Open-Ended Working Group on the security in and of information and communications technologies (OEWG)

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