Brazil’s Indigenous territory bill spells trouble for the Amazon
Brazil’s stewardship of the world’s largest tropical forest has long ignited acrimony
Brazil’s stewardship of the world’s largest tropical forest has long ignited acrimony
Even before Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva assumed office on Jan. 1, he was steeling himself for a national emergency
Whether it was gold, diamonds, or iron, the history of Brazil has been shaped for centuries by the hunt for minerals.
Enquanto militares e policiais reprimiam a insurreição de 8 de janeiro em Brasília, prendendo mais de mil baderneiros partidários, a máquina brasileira de rumores girava a todo vapor.
In late January, harrowing pictures from the Yanomami Indigenous reserve began popping up on Brazilian social media
Even as the armed forces and police broke up the 8 January insurrection in Brasilia, carting more than 1,000 rioters off to prison, the Brazilian rumour mills spun into high gear.
It can seem like climate change affects all communities equally
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