Brazil’s Handling of COVID-19 Is a Global Emergency
Even with deaths at all-time highs, Bolsonaro continues to undermine efforts to address the pandemic
Even with deaths at all-time highs, Bolsonaro continues to undermine efforts to address the pandemic
Brazil is in critical condition. Latin America’s largest country is experiencing record-breaking death tolls and its health system is teetering on the brink of collapse.
The crisis in Venezuela risks descending into civil war. The all-out power struggle between President Nicolas Maduro and Juan Guaidó is likely to escalate as Guaidó returned to Venezuela on Monday.
After years of shoring up security alliances in Latin America and the Caribbean, Brazil is now looking eastward, asserting its influence across the Atlantic Ocean
By reducing the number of legal and illegal guns in circulation, amnesties decrease the likelihood of someone getting shot
South Africa and Brazil are employing the use of mobile cameras to strengthen policing in various areas while improving police accountability and enhancing police relations with society.
Brazil could play a critical role in promoting stability in an uncertain world. Worryingly, the country is nowhere to be seen.
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