Igarapé Institute analyses the definition of drug trafficking in many countries
GloboNews – Igarapé Institute analyses the definition of drug trafficking in many countries
GloboNews – Igarapé Institute analyses the definition of drug trafficking in many countries
Folha de S. Paulo – Traficante. O português é daquelas línguas que, no geral, marcam o gênero de substantivos
September, 2016 This article aims to identify the main impacts of drug law enforcement on policing. It points to five interrelated effects: 1) Suppression focused on minor offenses and the weakest links in the chain; 2) Arrest patterns often based on stereotypes that affect
O Globo – Médicos, policiais, advogados, juízes, cientistas sociais, secretários de Segurança Pública e até ex-ministros e ex-presidentes já se colocaram a favor
The global war on drugs has failed, with devastating consequences for individuals and societies around the world
[In Portuguese] A report on 10 brazilian experiences of new approaches on drugs policy.
SP-12: Supporters of progressive drug policy are committed to using scientific evidence as the basis for informed public debate and policy-making.
This report considers how changes under way in Latin America drug policy are challenging the foundations of the repressive regime – specially the “war on drugs”.
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