Category: Digital Security in the Media

Digital Security in the Media

Brazil Must Rebalance Its Approach to Cybersecurity

Council on Foreign Relations September, 2016 When Brazil attends the Group of 20 Summit in Hangzhou next week, cybersecurity will be on the top of everyone’s mind. This includes President Obama who received a letter from U.S. senators this week urging him raise the issue with his Chinese hosts. A spate

Digital Security in the Media

Civil liberties, online and off

The Boston Globe – Brazil’s friendishly complicated political and economic crises are sending the country into a tailspin


A balcanização da internet pode começar no Brasil

El País January, 2016 Tentativas de cercear os direitos digitais dos brasileiros contrastam com a fama do país de bastião da liberdade na rede Uma juíza de São Paulo chocou o Brasil em dezembro ao exigir que todas as operadoras de telefonia do país bloqueassem

Digital Security in the Media

Brazil’s Digital Backlash

Brazilians take their social media very seriously. The country has one of the fastest growing populations of Internet users in the world

Digital Security in the Media

Brazil’s Cybercrime Problem

Foreign Affairs – Brazil ranks second worldwide in online bank fraud and financial malware. Yet much of the Brazilian public remains unaware of the scale of the problem.

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