The world is turbulent. But there are also solutions at hand

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10 publications

29 events

166 opinion articles

3,237 media mentions

New release

App for migrants and refugees

Technology can help migrants and refugees find protection and improve their chance to resettle and integrate. In order to help new arrivals, Igarapé Institute gathered key information in one place. The OKA app is a tool for mobile phones. It includes georeferenced data on legal assistance, access to shelter, education and health, and much more.

Find out more

International Women’s Day

Making women more visible

Few population groups are more vulnerable than women who are incarcerated in Brazil. Since 2000, the female prison population has exploded by 656%. And yet there are few public policies designed to protect and support them. A new infographic (in Portuguese) released on International Women’s Day shows the scope and scale of the challenge, and ways to improve the safety and security of female inmates.

See the infographic


News from Davos 2019

Every year, political and business leaders from around the world meet in Davos, Switzerland, to debate the state of the world and how to achieve sustainable progress. Igarapé Institute directors Ilona Szabó and Robert Muggah were featured for the third time in multiple panels with leaders such as the President of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Peter Maurer, former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, Brazilian Justice Minister Sergio Moro, Interpol Secretary General Jugen Stock and many others. They covered issues ranging from new technologies, climate risks, resilient cities, religious violence and organized crime.

Check out Muggah’s lecture

In the media

Brazil’s security politics

Brazil’s political environment is profoundly shaped about real and perceived insecurity. Today, public security policy is one of the most widely debated topics in the country. The Igarapé Institute has played a critical role in shaping the debate – on issues ranging from drug policy and gun control to prison reform and violence prevention. The Institute offered a series of critical reflections on the newly elected president’s decree to loosen access to firearms as well as the new anti-crime bill with the Associated Press, Financial Times, Global Observatory, NPR and World Politics Review, among others.

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Data Art

It is hard to imagine how studies of gun violence can be converted into artefacts of beauty. The Igarapé Institute’s research on illegal arms smuggling between Mexico and the US has been converted, improbably, into a sculpture. Inspired by the publication The Way of the Gun, American artist Cheryl Nickel created The Iron River Border Map. The piece is part of a new travelling exhibit called “The Others” and is touring US and Mexican cities.

Check out the show


Climate and violence in the Sahel

Climate change, food insecurity and organized violence are spreading across the Sahel region of Africa. More than 80 million people face malnutrition, and extremist and criminal violence are growing in countries such as Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Niger and Nigeria. Working together with Carnegie Mellon University’s Create Lab and the International Committee of the Red Cross, Igarapé Institute’s Robert Muggah produced three new data-driven stories that describe the challenges they face: Sahel in Peril, Spreading Violence in the Sahel and Solutions in the Sahel. The stories were picked-up by BBC, Buzzfeed, CNN, and other outlets around the world.

View the stories


A clandestine gold rush

Organized crime is metastasizing across the Amazon Basin. In the Brazilian Amazon, for example, drug trafficking organizations, mafia and other syndicates are linked to “environmental crimes” such as illegal mining, deforestation, the illegal species trade and more. These activities have massive knock-on effects, ranging from prostitution and people smuggling to massive environmental disasters and climate change. The Igarapé Institute launched a new data visualization as well as articles in English and Portuguese to shine a line on the challenge.

Read the article


New ‘Igarapeer’

Igarapé Institute has a new Program director. Melina Risso, a long-time adviser to the Institute and co-author of Segurança Pública para Virar o Jogo (Changing the Game on Public Security) officially joined Igarapé in 2019. Melina is a specialist in public security policy. “I can’t wait to contribute to this amazingly competent and dynamic team,” she says. And we can’t wait to benefit from her experience!

Meet Melina

  • Robert Muggah was invited to join the High Level Council on Sustainable Development Goal 11, coordinated by the Smart Dubai initiative.
    Learn more about SDG 11
  • Igarapé Institute’s publications can now be accessed on the JSTOR platform, a world-renowned scientific online library.
    See some of our publications
  • After Ilona Szabó was removed from the Brazilian National Council for Criminal and Penitentiary Policy, Igarapé Institute released an open letter.
    Read it here (in Portuguese)

  • Robert Muggah was a keynote speaker at the World Government Summit in Dubai, the Climate Investment Initiative in Ouarzazate, and at Harvard and MIT events in Boston.
    See his talk at the WGS here

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