Brazil’s Handling of COVID-19 Is a Global Emergency
Even with deaths at all-time highs, Bolsonaro continues to undermine efforts to address the pandemic
Even with deaths at all-time highs, Bolsonaro continues to undermine efforts to address the pandemic
It’s no surprise that a president whose campaign symbol was making a gun gesture with his hands would turn out to be a pro-gun leader once in office.
Brazilians are preparing nervously for their own municipal elections on November 15
On multiple fronts, data-driven policymaking has informed and improved Latin America’s response to COVID-19 – from information about the availability of hospital beds and ventilators to economic measurements to help direct relief packages for businesses and workers.
Rio de Janeiro’s ultra-conservative governor, Wilson Witzel, was elected in 2018 on a tough-on-crime ticket.
They came looking for gold. Earlier this year, several dozen unauthorized prospectors, or garimpeiros as they are known in Portuguese, invaded a 1.4 million acre indigenous reserve in Brazil’s remote northern state of Amapá.
Brazil has struggled to contain prison violence for decades. A riot at the Altamira prison in Pará state on July 29, which left at least 62 inmates dead, revealed just how much work still needs to be done.
Brazilians have an uneasy but enduring co-existence with homicide. Over 1,060,000 of them have been murdered since 2000.
Faced with an epidemic of homicidal violence and relentless corruption, newly elected governments in Latin America have unveiled ambitious crime reduction plans
Overall, the past quarter-century has been an era of progress for the region: Democracy has spread.
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