Operation Curupira: An Integrated Approach to Combat Deforestation in Southern Pará

Operation Curupira deforestation Pará

Deforestation in the Amazon region, especially in the State of Pará, poses a significant environmental challenge. Until 2022, Pará led deforestation among the Amazon states, driven by a series of interconnected factors. The implementation of infrastructure (roads, hydroelectric dams), the expansion of agricultural and livestock activities, land grabbing of public lands, illegal logging, the advance of illegal mining, and the weakening of governmental agencies responsible for environmental monitoring and control are a few of the issues, further exacerbated by corruption and money laundering schemes.


Against this backdrop, the Government of the State of Pará implemented emergency measures. In 2023, an executive decree at this subnational unit of the Brazilian federation launched Operation Curupira. It is a milestone initiative in the fight against deforestation that adopts an integrated approach, combining police forces and environmental agencies with the goal of achieving zero deforestation by 2030. 


Unlike other initiatives where security forces maintain a temporary presence in the region, Operation Curupira represents continuous state control and presence. Establishing fixed bases has significantly contributed to reducing social resistance to police presence, ensuring their permanence and service regularity in the region.


Multidimensional challenges demand a differentiated and comprehensive approach. This new perspective requires restructuring the social pact with local communities and involves multiple public policy dimensions, including citizen security, climate security, and rule of law aspects. Without tackling these dimensions, the progress made by Operation Curupira risks being reversed.


This study presents and discusses Operation Curupira, highlighting its characteristics, results, and challenges. It aims to contribute to the debate on the conservation of the Amazon and to support decision-making towards the sustainable development of the region


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Learn more about this topic in the concept note Tropical Forests Mechanism: a New Approach for Funding Forest Conservation and on the PAS – Painel Amazônia Segura panel

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