como falar com adolescentes sobre drogas

Honesty is the best policy

como falar sobre drogas com crianças e adolescentes

The Igarapé Institute launched two new products to build awareness around drug policy. A key goal is to help educators and families have a more informed and evidence-based discussions – always with a view of reducing harm.

“It may be well intended, but the use of fear tactics does not work. The way we talk to our children about drugs must change. As a mother, we need to approach these sensitive issues with care and compassion” said Ilona Szabó, executive director of the Igarapé Institute.

The first publication – Proteção em primeiro lugar – is a translation of Safety First, originally published by the Drug Policy Alliance. The new Portuguese-language version is being disseminated across Brazil. The Igarapé Institute is also hosting seminars with schools to host a frank and open debate.

The second publication – Proposta pedagógica – is designed to help educators teach their students better socio-emotional and discipline skills. It draws heavily on standards developed by the UN Office for Drugs and Crime (UNODC). It includes examples taken from Drogas: as histórias que não te contaram, another book published by Ilona Szabó.

Get both guides here (only in Portuguese)

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