Tag: amazon

Got Beef? Here’s What Your Hamburger Is Doing To The Climate

At the sharp end of the wedge, cross-boundary bodies like the Igarapé Institute, with the cooperation of Interpol and NGOs, track environmental crimes in the Amazon basin, with a view to bringing legal cases against those responsible.

Mapping environmental crime seen as key to slowing Amazon forest losses

“This includes shining a light not just on crime groups and shady business but also the corrupt government officials – including police, notary clerks, customs officials, and politicians – who facilitate the business,” Szabó said in an interview with the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

How JBS is still slaughtering the Amazon

This new report shows that eleven years on from our last report, JBS is still slaughtering the Amazon. It is clear that JBS’s business model is incompatible with the environmental emergency we are facing.

Strategic Notes on Third Generation Gangs

Strategic Notes on Third Generation Gangs builds upon the third generation street gang (3Gen Gang) theory first articulated in a series of papers by John P. Sullivan in 1997

New Data Points to Staggering Violence in the Amazon

They came looking for gold. Earlier this year, several dozen unauthorized prospectors, or garimpeiros as they are known in Portuguese, invaded a 1.4 million acre indigenous reserve in Brazil’s remote northern state of Amapá.

It Isn’t Too Late to Save the Brazilian Rainforest

The fate of the Amazon is intertwined with the fate of the world. If 20-25 percent of its tree cover is cut down, scientists estimate, the basin’s capacity to absorb carbon dioxide would be severely compromised, taking out of operation one of the world’s largest carbon sinks.

Book: The Rise of the Narcostate

This book is our sixth Small Wars Journal–El Centro anthology, covering writings published between 2016 and 2017.

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