Igarapé Speaks Out

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Instituto Igarapé - a think and do tank

Newsletter nº 7 – Agosto 2017

Foto de prisão brasileira.

Igarapé Speaks Out

The Igarapé Institute is committed to spreading innovative ideas to improve safety, security and access to justice. We believe in the power of sharing evidence-based solutions to inspire action and trigger positive transformation. The Institute contributed to over 190 international panels in 2016 and is on track to break that record in 2017. In August, Igarapé’s executive director Ilona Szabó, dismantled the war on drugs, offering a new vision for progressive drug policy atUSP Talks. In a highly publicized talk with the Brazilian Minister of Justice, researcher Michele dos Ramos highlighted the most important solutions for security at Reage Rio. Also in late August, research director Robert Muggah joined a panel on the future of development with two-time Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Brundtland, German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel and UNDP Administor Achim Steiner in Berlin. Robert is also heading to the Oslo Freedom Forum andTED Global in New York in September to explore city fragility and resilience. Check out other talks by Igarapé Institute staff at TED on drugs and fragile cities. Also see talks at Davos 2017, the Chicago Global Cities Forum 2017Singularity University and the Web Summit.

Watch Ilona Szabó at USP Talks

Igarapé in numbers

  • The Igarapé Institute was mentioned 912 times by 740 brazilian and international media outlets in August. Igarapé’s work was cited by major international media outlets such as BloombergCNNLe MondeNew York TimesRT, and others. The topics covered were wide ranging, including the work of Igarapé on testing new body cameras in Jersey City which was highlighted by CBS NewsFolha de S. Paulo and several other outlets also interviewed Igarapé Institute staff on the end of the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti. Igarapé Institute personnel were also featured by the Financial Times and Americas Quarterly.
  • The Igarapé Institute also published 17 opinion articles in international and national outlets in August. These include essays featuring survey research on violence in the Los Angeles Times, the transformation of violence in Colombia after the peace accord with FARC in Americas Quarterly; and ways to avoid civil war in Venezuela with the prestigiousForeign Affairs.
  • The Igarapé Institute launched 1 new publication in August. The new web-reportexplores the role of women in the Brazilian Armed Forces. The report features a new image gallery capturing the evolution of women´s participation in the Army, Navy, and the Air Force. The Institute released the report at a high-level event with the highest serving woman in the Brazilian armed forces and generated 56 mentions in the mediaacross the country.
  • Igarapé Institute staff participated in more than 18 public events and seminars in August. The coordinator of the Instinct for Life campaign, Dandara Tinoco, participated in a seminar led by the UNICEF Urban Center Platform in Brasilia. Ilona Szabo launched the Instinct for Life campaign and her book with Isabel Clemete “Drogas: as Histórias que não te Contaram,” in Porto Alegre. Researcher Renata Avelar participated in the debate, “A Resolução 1325: Implementando a Agenda de mulheres, paz e segurança no Brasil” at the BRICS Policy Center in Rio de Janeiro.

Rob Muggah apresentando nosso app Cidades Frágeis em Davos.

Igarapé in “Reage, Rio!”

The Igarapé Institute works closely with federal, state and municipal authorities, the private sector and a number of civil society groups on the public security crisis facing Rio de Janeiro. On 30 August, o Globo and Extra launched “Reage Rio” to identify practical solutions to prevent and reduce violence. Igarapé played a central role in the discussion. Researcher Michele dos Ramos participated in the discussion on public security together with the Minister of Justice, Torquato Jardim. She highlighted the importance of homicide prevention and her contribution was featured on the front page of O Globo as well as 5 of the 50 recommendations generated by the event.

Watch the full stream of “Reage, Rio!” online

Rob Muggah apresentando nosso app Cidades Frágeis em Davos.

Discussing drugs and gender at Casa TPM 2017

On 27 August, the Igarapé Institute participated in the 2017 edition of Casa TPM, held in Sao Paulo. This year, the Institute was represented by researcher Ana Paula Pellegrino. Ana discussed drugs and the particular vulnerabilities experienced by women. As she noted “women face even greater problems when caught in the prohibition system. There is abandonment and other, even more serious effects“. Igarapé has fast become a national reference on questions of drug policy in Brazil and across Latin America. A recent study – “Direito à Defesa e à Proporcionalidade” – examined the particular challenges faced by public defenders and offers strategies to improve drug policy more generally.

Read: Leia: “Direito à defesa e à proporcionalidade”

Foto de Cesar Gaviria, ex-presidente da Colômbia.

Women in the front line

The Igarapé Institute has played a key role in advancing the Women, Peace and Security agenda in Brazil. On 11 August, researchers Maiara Folly, Renata Gianinni and Mariana Fonseca Lima launched a new publication – “Situações extraordinárias: a entrada de mulheres na linha de frente das Forças Armadas brasileiras“. As part of the event, Igarapé also launched with Gênero e Númeroa special content, a digital platform sharing data and photographs of the role of women in the armed forces. The study was featured in outlets such as EstadãoHuffPost Brasil,TV Band and many other media providers. The study was also published in a original web report visualization.

Read the webreport (in portuguese)

Foto de Cesar Gaviria, ex-presidente da Colômbia.

#InstintodeVida in Porto Alegre

Instinct for Life campaign keeps expanding its connections inside Brazil: on August 22, there was a new campaign launch in Porto Alegre, a major city in the brazilian south. During the occasion, Rio Grande do Sul Stateand other 14 counties have committed themselves with the campaign’s goal on homicide reduction. The event featured a panel on homicide reduction strategies, and was organized by Insituto Fidedigna, with the support of Igarapé Institute. State authorities, mayors, municipal guards, among other representatives of the public power, as well as researchers from the public security area, were present at the event. It generated major attention by Zero HoraJornal do Comércio and other regional outlets.

Acess to #InstintodeVida policy guide 

Keep an eye out for

  • On 9 September, Ilona Szabó will present her book Drogas: as histórias que não te contaram at the XVIII Rio de Janeiro Book Fair.
  • Between 6 and 8 September, Nathan Thompson will take part in an event on cyber security called “Por una mejor regulación de Internet en América Latina – #CELE17” in Buenos Aires.
  • Also in 8 September, the Instinct For Life campaign will co-host a major event with theOAS in Washington, D.C. (USA), presenting a survey research on violence in 6 of the most homicidal countries in LatAm.
  • On 18 September, research director Robert Muggah will participate in “Accelerating Progress on Urban Development roundtable” panel, organized by WEF in New York.
  • On 19 September, Robert Muggah will be releasing a major new report with the Know Violence in Childhood Initiative in New York.
  • Robert Muggah is also back to TED Global in New York on 20 September to give a major talk on how to build more resilient cities.
  • Between 24-28 September, Robert Muggah will be chairing parts of the second convening of the Global Parliament of Mayors in Stavanger, Norway.
  • The Igarapé Institute is a coalition partner of Debating Security Plus, an online debate that takes place between 26-28 September.

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Instituto Igarapé - a think and do tank


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