Listen to What She Has to Say


Instituto Igarapé - a think and do tank


Newsletter n. 6 June/July – 2017

Listen to What She Has to Say

The Igarapé Institute is reaching new heights! The Institute’s Executive Director, Ilona Szabó, was featured in Gol Airlines’ July in-flight magazine this month. Gol is, surprisingly, one of the most widely read magazines in Brazil. The airline carries more than 2.5 million passengers a month. And this time, readers were exposed to a range of tough subjects from violence reduction and drug policy to ways to rethink Brazilian politics.

“Being included in Gol magazine gave me a chance to start a conversation with ordinary Brazilians who, like all of us at Igarapé Institute, want to build a better country,” says Ilona. Igarapé’s Executive Director was also given a chance to discuss her 15 year career working on citizen security issues: “change only comes with collective action”, she said. “I try to show people that you can’t just think of yourself. Engaging with your school, your neighborhood, and with each other is not activism. It’s about being a citizen”, she concluded.

The Gol article received a fair bit of visibility around the country. It was picked-up by O Globo’s Gente Boa column and is now available online on the Gol and Igarapé websites.

Igarapé in numbers

CopCast reaches the US

The CopCast app – a body worn camera that runs off cell phones – made international headlines in June and July.  In addition to tests in Brazil, Bulgaria, and South Africa, the app is now being fielded in Jersey City (USA). CopCast captures video, audio and GPS locations of all officers in real time. It is a new tool to help improve the accountablity of police and strengthen citizen protection.

There is growing demand for CopCast across Latin America and around the world. Igarapé Institute is currently in negotiations to start pilots as well as some randomized control trials with law enforcement in the Bahamas, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Korea and other cities in North America. The Institute is also in discussions with major hardware and cloud providers to explore new partnerships.

CopCast is generating a buzz. Stories have already come out in the past year in theCBCIndependent MailNexoViceValor EconômicoThe Conversation and The Guardian. Igarapé Institute hopes to make these technologies available in a wide range of low- and medium-income settings.

The justice system and public security

The Igarapé Institute was invited by the Minister of the Supreme Court (STF)  Luís Roberto Barroso to discuss public security and drug policy in Rio de Janeiro. The event focused on decriminalizing the use of drugs in order to address more fundamental security challenges. In February 2017, the minister gave a wide-ranging interview citing the research of Ilona Szabó and the Igarapé Institute. The full interview is available in O Globo.

The Igarapé Institute is strengthening its partnerships with Rio de Janeiro’s criminal justice sector. Specifically, the Institute is working with the TJRJ and Ação pela Paz Institute to strengthen Public Prosecutors and Public Defenders.

The Institute also participated in a debate on the penitentiary system and the community council. Igarapé presented a new study on the state’s prison system that revealed an average occupation rate of 179% above the acceptable prison capacity. The study was featured by EBC, EFE, GloboNewsJornal do Brasil,  Rádio CBN

Keep an eye out for

  • On 8 August, researcher Renata Giannini will be joining the round table “A Resolução 1325: Implementando a Agenda de Mulheres, Paz e Segurança no Brasil”, at the BRICS Policy Center, Rio de Janeiro.
  • On 11 August the Igarapé Institute will release a new study on the role of women in the Brazilian armed forces.
  • On 16 August, Ilona Szabó and Robert Muggah will speak about safety and technology at Federal University of Rio the Janeiro.
  • On 30 August, Ilona Szabó will speak at the University of Sao Paulo on issues such as the decriminalization of the use of drugs.
  • In early September, Ilona Szabó will give a presentation to Unibes Cultural, also in Sao Paulo.
  • Between 6 and 8 September, researcher Nathan Thompson will take part in an event on cyber security called “Por una mejor regulación de Internet en América Latina – #CELE17” in Buenos Aires.
  • On 9 September, Ilona Szabó will present her new book Drogas: as histórias que não te contaram at the XVIII Rio de Janeiro Book Fair.
  • On 19 September, Robert Muggah will be releasing a major new report with the Know Violence in Childhood Initiative in New York.
  • Robert Muggah is also back to TED Global in New York on 20 September to give a major talk on how to build more resilient cities.
  • Also in late September, the Instinct For Life campaign will host a major event with the OAS in Washington, D.C. (USA).
  • Researchers Maiara Folly and Maria Beatriz Nogueira will participate in Debating Security Plus on 26 September.
  • Between 24-28 September, Robert Muggah will be chairing parts of the second convening of the Global Parliamentof Mayors in Stavanger, Norway.
  • The Igarapé Institute is a coalition partner of Debating Security Plus, an online debate that takes place between 26-28 September.
Instituto Igarapé - a think and do tank

+55 (21) 3496-2114

+55 (21) 3988-6540


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