Igarapé Institute releases today at COP26 ten new stories on environmental crimes in the Amazon Basin and global climate change - Instituto Igarapé Skip to content

Igarapé Institute releases today at COP26 ten new stories on environmental crimes in the Amazon Basin and global climate change

The new stories will be available on the interactive platform EcoCrime Data; the organization will also participate in panels 

The Igarapé Institute releases today (November 8th) at COP26 (Glasgow) ten news stories on its EcoCrime Data platform, each of which tells a distinct tale about the scope and scale of the challenges facing the Amazon Basin. The platform offers a deep dive into the many ways in which land grabbing, illegal logging, wildcat mining and the illicit wildlife trade are damaging our climate. It also reveals the panoply of social challenges emerging from environment crimes, including corruption, slavery and violence.


Igarapé is participating in the climate summit with three envoys who will present the Institute’s Climate and Security Program, and highlight the impact of environmental crimes on global climate change. Igarape’s team will speak at Brazil Climate Action Hub, the French Pavilion and the University of Glasgow. 

The Institute will participate in four different panels at COP26 (
find out the agenda details below). Ilona Szabó, president of the Institute, will participate in the international launch of “An Agenda for the Development of the Amazon“, with Guilherme Leal, founder of Instituto Arapyaú, Izabella Teixeira, former minister of the Environment, fellow of Institute Arapyaú and Ana Toni, Executive Director of Climate and Society Institute and member of Amazon Concertation. The agenda outlines possible sustainable development paths for the region and for decision makers at COP26.

Today, the Institute is launching the Working Paper
“Green, Clean and Safe – Analytical Dimensions and Metrics for 21st Century Brazilian Agriculture”. The publication seeks to present the beginning of the work on the Transparency, Traceability and Legal Security front for supply chains in the Amazon. It is focused on the private sector, especially financial institutions, recognizing all the commitments made to reduce greenhouse gases and eliminate deforestation in production chains, the Igarapé Institute launches an initiative to define new dimensions of analysis and metrics to be incorporated into the credit, investment and new business decisions that go beyond current regulations, incorporating new legal aspects and good practices. 


The Igarapé Institute joins the calls for preserving the Amazon and zero deforestation, for both Brazil, to fulfill its own climate pledges under the Paris Agreement, and for the world, which depends on a flourishing rainforest for collective climate security. We are also dedicated to studying and explaining the links between illegality, public safety and our capabilities to stop deforestation. For this, it is necessary to engage all stakeholders, from public servants to private companies, so that we may work together to eliminate illegalities in their production chains.


The Institute is a data-driven think and do tank, committed to delivering actionable research about the climate and society to COP26, and a qualified warning about what’s at stake in the Amazon.

Ilona Szabó, co-founder and president; Laura Waisbich, senior researcher, and Giovanna Kuele, senior researcher, will be at COP26 available for interviews.



Legal strategies to combat deforestation, environmental crimes and human rights violations

Date: Monday 8th November 

Time: 10:00 -11:00

Venue: Brazil Climate Action Hub

Speaker: Laura Waisbich


Investing in Amazon Conservation: Market Innovations to Scale Impact

Date: Tuesday 9th November

Time: 12:30 – 13:30

Venue: Brazil Climate Action Hub

Speaker: Ilona Szabó


Amazon Concertation launches at COP-26: An agenda for the development of the Amazon 

Date: Tuesday 9th November

Time: 17:15 – 18:30

Venue: Brazil Climate Action Hub

Speaker: Ilona Szabó


From local to global – Keeping 1.5 Degrees Alive! (an event parallel to COP26 co-hosted by IMSISS, GCF and Together First/UNA-UK)

Date: Tuesday 9th November 2021 

Time: 18:00 – 20:00

Venue: University of Glasgow, TBC

Format: Panel discussion of 4 speakers + 1 chair

Speaker: Giovanna Kuele, CHAIR (Our Common Agenda, civil society, inclusive governance) Invited By UNA-UK


Press contact: press@igarape.org.br


About Igarapé Institute (www.igarape.org.br):


The Igarapé Institute is a leading independent think and do tank focused on public, climate and digital security. The Institute is committed to proposing data-driven and evidence-informed solutions and strategic partnerships to deliver progressive change. The organization drives positive transformation through applied research, the design of new technologies and proactive communication to shape public policy and influence decision-makers. The Institute works with governments, the private sector and civil society to design data-based solutions. Prospect Magazine designated the Institute the world’s best Human Rights NGO in 2018 and the top think tank working on social policy in 2019.The Institute has also been cited as among the top NGOs in Brazil for several years. 

Learn more about the Igarapé Institute’s Climate Security program