Global Cyber Expertise Magazine

Published in Global Cyber Expertise Magazine

By Louise Marie Hurel

Cyber portals play an important role in assembling, communicating, and facilitating access to information about cybersecurity – helping policymakers, diplomats, civil society organizations, academia, and the private sector in making sense of the growing landscape of initiatives and policies. As different organizations develop international and regional portals, the Igarapé Institute has recently launched the Brazilian Cybersecurity Portal to map the country’s national cybersecurity governance landscape. Louise Marie shares below some reflections on the importance of Cyber Portals to CCB and the lessons learned from the process of developing the national portal.

From the Morris worm to the Colonial pipeline ransomware attack, the past 30 years have been marked by the increasing notoriety of both the vulnerability and interconnectedness of systems, networks and infrastructures. All sectors have not only witnessed but also increasingly sought to include cybersecurity as a key concern in technical and policy development. Internationally, discussions at the Open-Ended Working Group and the UN Group of Governmental Experts have revolved around the development and operationalization of cyber norms, in particular, the applicability of international law to cyberspace. Regionally, many organizations such as the OAS, OSCE and ASEAN have sought to work with member-states on the consolidation of cyber–Confidence Building Measures. Nationally, governments have been developing their national cybersecurity strategies and other policies that establish minimum standards for cybersecurity across sectors.

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