Category: Climate Security


Who Defends the Defenders?

Environmental and human rights defenders play a critical role in combating ecosystem degradation and mitigating climate change. They serve as central members of their communities, organizing others to fight injustices and abuses. Environmental defenders are the first line of defense in places where the biome


Key Takeaways for Enhancing Security Governance in the Amazon

The Amazon faces a variety of security challenges, ranging from historical issues such as high homicide rates, theft, drug trafficking, and violence against women to new threats to the region’s rich biodiversity, including deforestation, illegal logging, illegal mining, and land grabbing. Considering the complexity of


Report reveals how environmental crime profits in the Amazon are laundered

A new report by the FACT Coalition found that many investigations into environmental crimes do not follow the money. Of the 230 cases analyzed, 76% involved the use of front and shell companies, likely due to flaws in the anti-money laundering systems of foreign countries, researchers said.


Biodiversity credit to protect and restore nature

I am writing from Cali, Colombia, where COP16, the UN Biodiversity Conference, is taking place. Among the various goals of those here to advocate for nature, one significant milestone has been achieved: the launch, this past Monday, of the Framework for the International Advisory Panel

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Biodiversity credits now have a global standard for high integrity

This Monday (28th), the International Advisory Panel on Biodiversity Credits (IAPB), composed of 25 organizations and experts from various countries, will present a global framework at COP16, the UN Biodiversity Conference. This framework provides guidelines to ensure the integrity of biodiversity preservation and restoration projects.

Press Release

IAPB launches Biodiversity Credit Markets Framework at COP16

CALI, Colombia: The International Advisory Panel on Biodiversity Credits (IAPB) today launched its Framework for high integrity biodiversity credit markets. The Framework lays the foundation for how biodiversity credits, a financing mechanism, can be harnessed to drive much needed investment towards the conservation and restoration


Operation Curupira: An Integrated Approach to Combat Deforestation in Southern Pará

Deforestation in the Amazon region, especially in the State of Pará, poses a significant environmental challenge. Until 2022, Pará led deforestation among the Amazon states, driven by a series of interconnected factors. The implementation of infrastructure (roads, hydroelectric dams), the expansion of agricultural and livestock


Financing a Sustainable Global Bioeconomy

Financing a Sustainable Global Bioeconomy, released Sept 12, 2024, is a landscape analysis of the current and prospective interplay between finance and the bioeconomy authored by NatureFinance and the World Bioeconomy Forum, with the support of dozens of civil society organizations – including the Igarapé


Dynamics of the Ecosystem of Environmental Crimes in the Brazilian Legal Amazon

The Brazilian Legal Amazon is the site of a complex ecosystem of environmental and related non-environmental crimes that impact both the environment and the people living there. Organized environmental crime contributes in many ways to the destruction and degradation of the forest, significantly accelerating land


Guardianas del Amazonas 2: vivencias y herramientas desde el territorio

Colombia es un país rico en biodiversidad y con una historia marcada por conflictos, hoy se encuentra en una encrucijada crítica en la búsqueda de una paz duradera. En este contexto, las mujeres que lideran la defensa de los derechos humanos y la protección ambiental


Bolivia: 2023 Record Deforestation Due to Environmental Crime

“Behind this destruction there are out-of-control forest fires, the expansion of the agricultural frontier, rampant gold mining, and the construction of airports and drug laboratories in the middle of natural parks and protected areas,” indicated the recent report The Plundered Amazon: The Roots of Environmental Crime


The plight of Brazil’s indigenous groups worsens

Since PORTUGUESE colonisers first appeared, the story of indigenous Brazilians has been littered with horror. Disease and violence killed many after the conquest. Slavery on rubber plantations existed into the 20th century. Today wildcat miners, ranchers and loggers are the threat to the indigenous peoples of


Tropical Forests Mechanism: a new approach for funding forest conservation

Amazon 2030, with the support of BVRio and Igarapé Institute, released today a concept note on a Tropical Forests Mechanism (TFM) aimed at supporting nature finance at scale to guarantee the maintenance and enhancement of tropical forests worldwide. The mechanism is expected to complement the Brazilian government’s Tropical


Practical Guide for Formulating Public Policies to Prevent Violence Against Women

Violence against women is a complex and devastating reality, manifesting in various forms, including physical, sexual, psychological, and economic abuse. Within this context, this guide presents programs and initiatives evaluated by renowned organizations such as the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (JPAL), the Inter-American


Re-Imagining Bioeconomy for Amazonia

A new report by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the Igarapé Institute examines the bioeconomy of eight Amazonian countries and showcases opportunities to create sustainable economic alternatives for the almost 50 million people living in the region. The report provides new insights on ways


Guide for the Social Inclusion of Formerly Incarcerated Individuals

  The social inclusion of formerly incarcerated individuals is a global challenge that requires reforms in the justice system, strengthening of the rule of law, and the implementation of specific public policies. This guide presents a synthesis of strategies adopted by programs on the topic


The Global Bioeconomy – Preliminary Stocktake of G20 Strategies and Practices

With 100% of the economy being dependent on nature, the way we choose to define our economies going forward will tip the scales towards either an equitable nature-positive future, or an irreversible nature-negative one – with devastating impacts for people and the planet. The ‘bioeconomy’


Stolen Amazon: the roots of environmental crime in Bolivia

This study on Bolivia, in partnership with InSight Crime, provides a comprehensive overview of the complex network of actors, including state and non-state entities, and the relationships that perpetuate environmental crime in the Bolivian Amazon. It seeks to understand the contemporary dynamics of environmental crimes


Social Reintegration of Former Inmates

The social reintegration process for former inmates presents challenges that extend beyond the confines of the justice system alone. In the Brazilian context, marked by regional disparities and social, racial, and educational inequalities, the lack of material, financial, and psychosocial support places ex-inmates in a

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