Violence Prevention Observatory

Paraty is one of the most important tourist municipalities in Rio de Janeiro, but it also has the 2nd highest homicide rate in the state. In order to reverse this scenario, the Igarapé Institute, in partnership with Comunitas and Paraty City Hall, have produced a diagnostic and constructed an agenda for the municipality’s security, with the objective of preventing and reducing crime and violence in the city.


The initiative includes the development of an integrated data system, today in its prototype phase.

What is it?

The Paraty Observatory is a platform that merges information from various City Hall services, such as education, support, and healthcare, in order to locate the individuals most vulnerable to becoming victims or perpetrators of violence. It is the first of its kind in the country.

What does it do?

By cross-referencing information from various municipal service providers, City Hall will be capable of reaching those who are most in need. Mapping the most vulnerable population by using technology is an essential step towards the municipality fulfilling its most important role in the public security agenda: prevention.

The system allows City Hall professionals to monitor risk factors, such as, for example, school dropout rates. It also allows for the evaluation, in every area of the city, of the efficiency of adopted policies and the necessity of integration between state and federal policies.

Municipal Leadership

 The creation of the Observatory was based on a security agenda for Paraty structured along three axes:

  1. Municipal leadership in the prevention of violence and better management mechanisms;
  2. Creation of programs, projects, and preventative actions focused on the public, on behavior, and on high-risk areas;
  3. Better co-existence and the nurturing of a culture of peace in the city.

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